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Women's Word
Discover a collection of books that showcase the diverse and distinct voices of talented women authors
"That woman is my enemy, and it from her that my solace comes, what a bond there is between us."
Chéri by Collette
Bonjour Tristesse: by Francoise Sagan (1954)
"I knew nothing and he was going to show me Paris and introduce me to a life of luxury and indulgence. I do believe that most of the...
D.V by Diana Vreeland (1984)
"A new dress doesn’t get you anywhere. It's the life you’re living in the dress." “You don't have to be born beautiful to be wildly...
Shocking Life The Autobiography of Elsa Schiaparelli (1954)
"She led a very full life, seeing a lot of people, going out again a great deal, enjoying herself – flowering in the general atmosphere...
Confession of an Art Addict by Peggy Guggenheim (1979)
“Courage and visions, generosity and humility, money and time, a strong sense of historical significance, as well as of aesthetic quality...
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion (1968)
"We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget. We forget the loves and the betrayals alike, forget what we...
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (1905)
“The fact that her life had never satisfied her proved that she was made for better things."
The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath (1963)
I also had a dim idea that if I walked the streets of New York by myself all night something of the cities mystery and magnificent might...
Fear of Flying by Erica Jong (1973)
"Where men are concerned I have always lacked a simple quality known as caution, or perhaps you might call it common sense. I meet a guy...
Just Kids by Patti Smith (2010)
“Within that moment was trust, compassion, and our mutual sense of irony. He was carrying death within him and I was carrying life. We...
Sex & Rage by Eve Babitz (1979)
"But luck is like beauty or diamond earrings: people who have it cannot simply stay home and receive compliments unless they've an...
Play It As It Lay by Joan Didion (1970)
“She could remember it all but none of it seemed to come to anything. She had a sense the dream had ended and she had slept on.” Title :...
Memoirs Of a Beatnik by Diane di Prima (1978)
"No two people kiss alike – no two people fuck alike- but somehow the kiss is even more personal, more individualized than the fuck."
Chéri by Colette (1920)
"I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer." Title : Chéri Author:...
Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Wolfe (1925)
"She’d go on as if nothing had happened. That was the devilish part of her – this coldness, this woodenness, something very profound in...
Delta Venus by Anais Nin (1977)
"The expression women have when they have seduced a man, an expression of vain satisfaction. A triumphant, uncontrollable inner...
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