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Bonjour Tristesse: by Francoise Sagan (1954)

"I knew nothing and he was going to show me Paris and introduce me to a life of luxury and indulgence. I do believe that most of the things I took pleasure in during that period simply came down to money – the pleasure of fast driving, of having a new dress, of buying records and books and flowers. I am not ashamed of enjoying those shallow pleasures and anyways I only call them shallow because I've heard people say they are. "

I looked at him : I had never loved him. I had found him kind and attractive, I had love the pleasure he gave me, but I did not need him.

He had never accepted the idea that a beautiful woman who has once belonged to him might get over him so quickly and as it were, before his very eyes, especially not with a younger man. So you understand, even though its you he loves, he would have very soon wanted to get her back, to give himself reassurance. He’s very vain, or not very sure of himself, whichever way you like to think of it.


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